Wings of Isis:
Soul Healing, Heart Activating. Living Life on Purpose.
Suzanne's signature program for women drawn to modern rituals & lifestyle of the sacred Priestess.
A Series of 3-Month Modules.
Elevate your intuition skills. Communicate with your Angel Posse. Enhance daily spiritual practices.
Rock & Roll out in the world as an empowered, liberated woman who knows who she is and gives herself what she's worth. Be a lioness.
Contact us today to enroll: Schedule a free discovery call.

I used to be a healer & business woman just doing all the things....

...until I began to trust--and understand--the inherent sacredness of life alongside the Divine.
Then I began to learn that true evolution only happens from the deepest core inside of us. When we open to truth, Love, compassion, and honesty with ourselves...well, it's a game-changer.
I was shocked when I saw the lies I had been told. But more-so....the lies I had continued to tell myself for decades.
When I finally put down my martyring yoke & the cross I was bearing, so to speak....I began to realize that there's an inherent flow that can guide me in my life, when I listen through my heart.
But first, I had to do all the work of un-protecting and un-closing my heart. I had to remember I was safe. I had to remember that I truly thirsted for something more and that it could only be found deep in the well inside of ME. The Light inside of me. The Divine that also I Am. And also, beloved, are you.
The Path of the Priestess
Spirit's way is sacred. The Divine loves you unconditionally, and is invested in your highest and best achievements in life.
In this Priestess program, you are invited into the Temple. You come to the altar. You get real and true. And you become liberated. It's sacred work. It's hallowed. We work with the highest angelic light realm and the goddess we know as Isis, as well as other energies including Mother Mary, Kuan Yin, Mary Magdalene, Brigid, Freya, and more.
Your truth is revealed in ways that will astonish you. So that you can live your most authentically free self you can be.
I no longer tolerate anything less than this for myself and those I love. If you're reading this, you're probably in a similar place.
Won't you join this sacred inner path? A revolution of YOU, as your own Divine, Sovereign Mystic? Let's talk about your path:
How I Found the sacred divine
Suzanne Alexandria,
Healer's Healer, Angelic Channel & Spiritual Coach.
Like you...
I have walked through the fire.
I have lived the deep pain.
I have been brought to my knees many times.
And every time, something deep inside kept telling me to push on. Move forward. Keep going.
It may sound strange, but Winston Churchill is my Guardian Angel. A dear friend of mine used to relay Winston's famous quote about when you're going through hell...keep walking--and that quote kept me alive many days. One day, he came to me in the shower (why do they so often do that????) and asked me if he could be my guardian angel. Totally stunned, I said yes. Are you kidding me?? The man who walked with THE Queen of our time??? I am so honored to walk with him in Spirit. He was one of the chief forces that saved the world from the scourges of Hitler. For real. I'm not sure where we would have landed without Him.
Through the pain and healing of divorce, anxiety, breast cancer, and childhood rape trauma, I was met at every point by myriad forms of the sacred divine. At every juncture, a new awareness. At every painful turn...a hand to hold.
Sometimes the hands that held me were human, and sometimes, spiritual.
Always, they were Love--in all its forms.
Love brought me to my knees so that I could become brave enough to face every truth and walk away from every wound or harmful person.
And Love filled every single crevice of my heart, mind, body and soul with the fire of my own sacred heart--because I became willing, and allowed Love to enter all the places where I was scared. And that has made all the difference.

I work with a enlightened group of Seraphim Angels, Ascended Masters, Personal Beloveds, and Goddess Energies to Heal, Teach, & Inspire.
I will teach you to do the same, if that is your heart's calling.
Join me for one or more Wings of Isis modules. It will be sacred time together.
You'll receive angel activations, deep karma cleanses, Akashic Records activations, and so much more.
And you'll learn new ways to walk your own sacred walk, and nourish your soul and being, right here, right now, right within the arms of Love that hold you steadfast.

"It takes courage to open your heart. Didn't the cowardly lion show us that? He took a brave journey, with Dorothy, and Glinda, and his friends.
When you dare to be vulnerable, with the Divine by your side, and dare to know the's magical. It's safe. It's healing. And I know no better way to go about co-creating a life worth living, than in that holy, sacred partnership."
—Suzanne Alexandria
Choose Any of These
3-Month Modules
Wings of Isis Currently Offers:

- Akashic Records: Seeing yourself through the lens of Spirit, who loves you so, and through the perspective of your unique Akashic Records. Soul retrieval activations included.
- Healer Activations: Activating your unique healing codes for your walk in life. If you want to (or do) work as a healer, these will uplevel your skill and understanding of yourself. If you're new, you'll learn basics for Reiki and energy management for any walk of life.
- Reading Cards, Tarot, & Energy: Learning to do high-level energy/soul/Angel readings for others as a profession or as part of your life in corporate/entrepreneurial business. Reading energy is powerful medicine AND insight for wise, intelligent life choices.
- Teacher Training: For those who seek to expand your network and skill set/credentials for business or personal growth with others.