Learn to Read the Akashic Records with the Wings of ISIS

Isis Temple Akashic Records Training

Something magical happens when you step into our live sacred mastery program & learn to read the Akashic Records with the Goddess, the Archangels, and the Ascended Masters who love you so much.

This Wings of Isis Program is offered through The Alexandria Institute where we offer this fully-proven, time-tested, comprehensive course designed to set you not only spiritually but energetically AND mindfully into an entirely new methodology that works.

One of the most distinguishing aspects of this program is that it is overlit exclusively by the ascended master known as Isis. And I, as your guide, take you into the etheric Egyptian Priestess temple each week as we ascend together and you learn to become your own amazing and talented reader.

It's hard to classify Isis. I call her a goddess, or THE goddess, or the Mother, or a Mother. In truth, she is all of these things. And, she is a sister. A mentor. A beloved. And her love is fiery and stable. In this program, she will hold you. She wants you to be free. She wants you to become that which your soul most deeply desires, in this lifetime, as one in the highest of divine services, as a healer soul.

And that is what I want for you also, as your guide.

From the soul's perspective, those drawn to this program know Isis. You feel her. You cherish her. In some way, you ARE her. There is a blurry line between her, and you.

As I channel her more and more, she has become a part of me. And she will for you, as well. With you. For you. Always wanting what is the highest and best. It is that place from which you also serve your clients.

Under the Wings of Isis, you are led by me into extraordinary other-worldly encounters designed for the initiate to remember her own sacred wings, her own gifts, her own sacred heart, her own divine calling.

What was your contract with yourself? Why did you come to this lifetime? You know the answers. And you will deepen in your answers as you progress. 

In this sacred 4-month intensive program, we travel into the etherial pyramid temples of Isis each week. Indeed we read the records from a space dedicated exclusively to us, with Her. We work with other celestial beings as well, including the Lords of the Records, the Archangels, and the Mother Mary, Mary Magdalene, Kuan Yin, Yeshua, Hathor, and many others.

In the etherial realm you will meet your own personal guides as well. They are waiting for you to remember them. They are the Hathor Star Nation, the Dakini warriors of light, the Magdalene Sisterhood of Healers, the Black Panthers of protection and deepest insight...and so very many others. 

The etherial temple becomes a most astounding and nourishing place to be in your meditation time as well. And you can learn to go there to prepare before readings with clients. It becomes a place to receive nourishment from your heart and from Source. 

In this program, it is my intention--I take it as my job--that you KNOW your own Home. Home base. Alignment. Self, realized. And with the Divine Mother, and Divine Father, in harmony.

And that you learn to share this light, this immaculate love, this wisdom, the truths that lie in the Akash, with others. To spread it to those willing and ready to know, see, hear, and understand the deep truths that can only come from this place associated with the sacred heart of the Divine, through the Divine, and with the Divine.

It is a place where passion and love find you. Where wisdom is downloaded in just the right doses, and where you have the opportunity to powerfully transform not only yourself, but others, by the guidance that never stops loving you.

Won't you join us in this place? Won't you step into your Priestess or Priest self, and know your sacred mastery from a heightened realm, so that you can live your life more from that realm every waking moment?

Join me. Join us. It will be my honor to guide you.

If you are truly curious about this program, then I would encourage you to learn more and register on this page: Explore Your Path to Akashic Mastery

On this page you'll also find a link to set up a personal discovery call if you have questions prior to registering, so that you will know your truth and what is right for you, fully, for that is my intention, always.

Explore Your Path to Akashic Mastery

I will love to meet you in the sacred temple and show you a new path of enlightened service, if this is right for you. 

With blessings and light,


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