Time to co-create new patterns. What are you waiting for?

Many of you find yourselves gallantly striding off into new patterns and initiatives. Isn't it marvelous? It truly is a time of rebirth--this time midway between the Winter Solstice and the Spring Equinox--it is exactly today. 

Are you ready to leap over the threshold into your new time, after being in a bit of a purgatory of sorts?

Well if so, then do that. Just do it. Do it. Do that. Make a ceremony of your winter mealtime, and say to yourself, the new time is now. My new time is exactly now. It already has begun.

What are you waiting for?

The power of re-invention is all yours. Are you revving up your engine? You best get ready for a dynamite ride! 

Amen. Amen. Amen.

Suzanne & Co.

Life is short.

Buckle Up and Ride.

Classes & EnergyĀ that *Ignite*Ā 


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