Courage to Let Go

My theme this week seems to be courage. I am blessed to be able to listen to the call of my soul and create new understanding from that sacred communion, and I love when there is such an incredible synchrony with what's going on in the cosmos, too. We're in the whirlwind of what is called the Lion's Gate Portal. It happens every year on 8/8 and for the past several years it has been a tremendous demarcation for me of new beginnings. 

It happens as we usher the sign of Leo into the realm, but August 8  is also when the sun in Leo, the star Sirius, Orion's Belt, and the Earth all line up. I mean, come on. That's pretty amazing power, right?

That's why I host a workshop every year on this date. (Learn more if you want to join on 8/7, 9-11am MT)

The theme then that Spirit is bringing forward is so beautiful. It's "Courage to Change."

When I worked the Al-Anon program for many years, I read a book with this title relentlessly and it saved me from a lot of self mis-management. I'm kind of a change junkie as it turns out. Maybe I have ADD. I never leave anything the same (except junk piles in my house which I'm actually tackling as we speak.)

The path of the spiritual warrior, the warrior of truth, is to me a dance of sometimes going all-out, and sometimes, letting go. Even letting go has come to be a powerful action, though. It's not like we just sit around and eat potato chips. 

To me, letting go is a process of conscious re-programming of habits, because it's the habits that keep people in perpetual hell, inside their own minds. 

Sound familiar? 

I mean I'd be so rich if I had a dollar for everything I have let go. And yet there's always new layers. It gets kind of fun once you get the habit of it. 

And by the way, I'm talking about LETTING GO, in all caps. That's the kind of letting go as in: Let Go, and Let God.

Let Go, and Let Spirit In.

Let Go, and Let Grace In.

Let Go of Your Deepest Fears.

Let Go of Your Trauma that Holds You Hostage.

Let that sh!t go. Because if you don't, well, the consequences are often catastrophic.

Here's one of my favorite poems by a woman with such a beautiful name: Safire Rose. I think it's marvelous. 

Read through it and sit quietly with it if you have some time.

And if you're interested in a guided energy/meditation experience on August 7 to re-set yourself in a space of letting go AND opening your heart some more, then join my Lion's Gate Heart Healing Workshop. Register before July 31 for a discount. I'd love to see you there.




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