Guidance for a New Year: Time to Know Yourself Even More Deeply.

There's much speculation about how things will go with the change in leadership in Washington, D.C., and the council that I channel, who calls themselves the Council on Harmonization, is bringing forth some brilliant light.
Two weeks ago during a Thursday group call they began to talk about the notion that is depicted in the image above, so have a look at that as a possible framework for you to try. I keep having little spots of awareness coming through helping me understand it more.
They are showing us how important it is--especially when the realm outside of ourselves seems chaotic--to know who we are and what we want. Have a look at that image. Imagine this as a lens (the triangle) in front of your face with the top point at your crown, and the bottom corners at each shoulder--so you are literally seeing the world through this frame. [It could be another whole post about how this is one of the most basic building blocks of a number of sacred geometry energies--including Metatron's Cube.]
First I want to share a bit of personal story about how I have NOT always focused through a lens like this:
After much consideration, I am quite sure that some--if not all--of the illness I have experienced in my body stems from a lack of alignment, which comes from a lack of fully fully knowing--and investing in--myself and my own truest desires. There are many factors I can point to (trauma, toxins, etc.)....but the more I stay focused within me the more I literally hear messages like this:
Cancer told me that it had taken over all of the places in my body that I had not. This makes a ton of sense. If I have not fully FILLED my own self with all of the light, love, joy, wisdom, presence of spirit that I know I Am....then I have effectively left a void in me. Sold myself down the river so to speak.
And I guess the truth is that where there's a void...SOMETHING is going to fill it. So hadn't I best decide what that something is, rather than leave it to anything else?? Hadn't I best be the one who chooses what fills me? This is what I am being shown.
Did I create the void? Did I KNOWINGLY create it? I have to admit that in some sense the answer is a huge yes--by not being completely true to myself, and not being sovereign through and through, I let many things (ideas, energies, others' beliefs, toxins) creep into me. I had a lot of control that I never exerted, for many reasons...
Was I conscious I was doing that? Not totally. But for sure I was conscious a little bit. I have had to reconcile that there were times I chose to ignore what my precious body and soul really really know as truth. So in that sense, this part was/is my responsibility.
It can seem so much easier to ignore the truth. But at what cost? There's always a cost. And that's why I am writing this, and doing the work I love.
I am OK with with my past choices because I know that there is a time and a place for everything, and in some strange way this is all perfect, and many things--if not everything--is heal-able. I am heal-able. But what a serious price it is to pay for not choosing to be fully conscious.
As I grow, I see how this is reflected in the world around me. What happens when people don't turn on their consciousness? They let others walk over them and make decisions for them. They let themselves fall into deep wells of negative beliefs, or worse. It's not easy to choose to be really aware. It can seem really scary.
I'm telling my personal story because now the Council is starting to show me a third way of thinking about it all. They're saying that we'd best really get serious and into ourselves and clear on these 3 very important things at least for starters:
- Who I Am.
- Why I Am Here.
- What I Want.
Can you answer each of these?
To be honest the guides keep pointing to a very obvious and prominent example out in the world. (This is NOT a political conversation at all, but an example of how we might interpret what's going on.) Consider that Donald Trump is the epitome of strength of ALL 3 of these things. He knows who he is, why he's here, and what he wants. Period. And he gets what he wants--every single day.
Is that the way the Universe moves on our behalf? Maybe. "Like it, or not...use the example" is what my guides are saying, because there's a very powerful example of manifestation going on right in front of our eyes.
So how deeply do the rest of us know ourselves? What's your truth, in this lens model? What's a spiritual angle? Could it be that there's a way to make it different by making it a dance of the holy? Knowing yourself, your why, and your desires....and also allowing the Universe to show up for you, to match you in the actions you take, to bring you messages to keep you gliding along on your way, through your varied experiences, staying in alignment with your own values--could this be the best way forward? The thing is, you get to decide. Here I am, working on healing cancer in my body, and I swear, the answers always come back to such basic truths: It's a free-will universe, and I have soooo much more choice than I thought...or even wanted, it seems. I'm now always shown how important it is to be conscious of where we place our focus and efforts. It matters, and it works when we mean it and apply consistency.
This is a love letter from spirit saying stay true to what calls you from within as you glide into the new timeline of 2025. Be sure you are in integrity with your core values. Be sure THAT is your lens, colored with your true and spicy desires, because then, there really IS space for creation to move you to new places. Let it.
With The Council on Harmonization
If you want to expand your soul's values and share your gifts, learning to read the Akashic Records for you & others is a way that would help you get really deep. Learn more, or sign up for a detailed reading to re-set you in a new direction. It's the perfect time for either form of grand self awakening.
And also...Go to my YouTube channel to listen to the full channeled transmission where this holy triangle imagery was first brought through: "How Clearly do You Know What You Want?"
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