Whatā€™s Your Ultimate Truth, and...Are You Willing to Go There?

Most of the healers I meet have so many similar stories: We’ve been deceived and caught in webs of lies for decades and lifetimes. Having been born into incredible dysfunction, we’ve perpetuated co-dependent relationships and really suffered at the hands of profound trauma. We hear it over and over again, and it's heart-wrenching.  

Now, though, I’m seeing some things differently. From my newly-found peace and my newly-opened heart, I’m seeing how for many years, many of us have found great comfort in the sorry tales of woe that reminded us that someone else took our power and ruined our lives for a while.

At least, that was one way to look at it.

We embellished our pain with ingrained fears of witch hunts and burnings at the stake, and in fact the whole world jointly watches the story of one of our own most famous healer brothers sacrificed on a cross over and over and over again in our churches and monasteries throughout the world. And that recollection has been going on for centuries.

What karmic residue must all of this re-living of the tragedy keep perpetuating? 

And what if there were a new story to tell about ALL of this? 

Firstly I must say that I am a very very happy Christian and attend a wonderful Methodist church and have loved going to church my entire life. Like I really really love it. So I mean no disrespect, and also, these are just my opinions and what I am opening to. 

But Spirit has been showing me a new way to understand these old parts of my life and as I gain new insights and power, it’s astounding how the old stories can’t even hold any water anymore. I think that’s because I no longer WANT them to hold any water at all. It takes so much energy to keep the old victimhood alive.

In my next episode on the Beyond the Ordinary Show with John Burgos, I’m going to talk about how the guides of the Council of Love are helping me understand and completely re-frame the myriad stories of pain, sacrifice, and abandonment that I’ve been reliving over and over and over again and how indeed, there IS a new path. 

A hallowed path. 

A path where you and I assume complete responsibility for ourselves and our lives, sovereignty, choices, and fate.

It’s not that those terrible things didn’t happen. They truly did, and it really was extraordinarily painful. It’s a phenomenal wonder that so many of us are still alive and actually thriving, when you look at the odds. Many of us don’t quite understand how that happened and why we didn't end up completely destitute. There's obviously a very powerful, incredible holy will that holds us all.

But the question I'm getting to is this: What if there’s a fundamental truth that we're ready for?  What if there really is an offer to live as our fully-embodied true selves once and for all and in a completely different version of truth? Is that possible? I’m exploring it….and I think it's pretty promising from what I can see. It keeps getting expanded for me and I'm pretty sure there's no turning back.

We've been hearing this saying for years or decades and I am actually becoming wiling to trust it: If you can dream it, then yes, it is possible.

I remember this afternoon 3 years ago as if it were yesterday when Yeshua told me to start writing down on paper what I really wanted and to keep doing that every day. I was in the midst of inordinate trauma pain and I got really really angry. I couldn't imagine even WANTING anything out of the ordinary because I couldn't imagine myself worthy and I could not fathom any better option than the pain I was in.

But that's all changed. It is still changing. And I keep being shown to deeper and deeper truths. And they keep setting me free to new heights.

Come listen to my new stories to see if you might want to rewrite your own. Come and sit at the altar of your own sacred divinity & truth for a little soul remembering. I’ll be channeling the blessed guides known as Mother Mary, Mary Magdalene, and Yeshua ben Josef. We'll be doing an epic clearing of energy that has perpetually kept healers small for eons. Because darling, it's time to start roaring like a lioness. 

We’ll also be in receiving of incredible light from the Archangels, Seraphim, and guides who love YOU and ME and US so very much. Come. Receive. Enlighten. And let’s get this new truth party started with a spark.

Join us on Jun 14, 2023 at 12p PT / 1p MT /  2p CT / 3p ET

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