The body is an electric antenna

electric antenna

The other day the guides used this term The body is an electric antenna during one of the classes I was teaching and it totally struck me as something to share. This isn’t a new metaphor--for years I have been channeling messages in sessions about the intuition system and the mind-body-soul connection that functions in order for intuitive messages to be perceived. They often use the metaphor where we think of ourselves as a radio antenna on earth--or better yet, an Eiffel Tower grounded on earth. Not literally, of course, and It’s funny to me but it makes sense. The point is, we are wired for messages, feelings, vibrations to be perceived and that is how we literally tap into energy vibrations of consciousness. We all have it and it is a fascinating and extraordinary system. All creatures have it. It's how they know where there's food or a predator or a mate. And for humans, we're expanding it in big ways--in part simply by becoming aware we even have it. It helps even to pay attention to it. But when you realize you can really hone and sharpen your intuition, then it becomes something pretty extraordinary.

Little disclaimer: What is presented here is what I currently understand based on experiences often in channel. But I wanted to share two perspectives on energy before I go any further:

Panpsychism as a theory suggests that consciousness is a fundamental property of the universe, present even at the smallest levels (atoms, energy fields, etc.). So does that mean everything is some form of consciousness?

And: Some theoretical physicists & spiritual traditions suggest that all matter and energy arise from a universal consciousness or unified field.

So anyway, back to you. What does this have to do with you? Well if you’re familiar with my work you’ll know that there’s usually a very palpable energy present while we’re spending time together. It’s made of many energies: healing light, consciousness, light codes, angel and galactic beings and others, and, most importantly of all…YOUR energy. In those experiences you are sensing the energy of your body, your higher self, your energetic and auric field…which is to say, every single particle of you down to the tiniest atom.

Recently after one of my attunements a participant said she could experience her own blood flowing. Just, wow.

And when you tune in to listen and hear spirit, with an open heart, you’re dialing up your frequency and really getting your Eiffel Tower on. How about seeing it all lit up like it was during the Olympics. 

One of the reasons I’m even sharing this is that I think it’s very important to remember you are all energy. Because energy needs to be well taken care of. But also, I want to empower you to know that when you receive attunements, activations, downloads and upgrades of light codes when we’re together, you’re actually augmenting your energy sometimes quite significantly, and that’s what leads to a better and better connection with your guides and loved ones in spirit.

When I take lightworkers through my Akashic Records Program you receive lots of very specific codes, in the perfect dosage and order, so that by the end, you are very finely tuned and able to read and perceive the Akashic Records and your guides. It’s a marvel and always a true honor to watch people expand so much that they come into these latent skills.

So what happens if you don’t tend to your energy? Well, many people don’t and that’s ok. To me also nature has a profound way of synchronizing us within and for our highest good without us even knowing about it--but that's one reason you feel so good in nature.The ocean and most water also has a unifying effect. But sometimes if you don’t tend it, the images I usually get of one's field are: 1) the end of a Jenga game when the tower is really tall but there are holes everywhere like Swiss cheese, or 2) a very droopy Eiffel Tower. Kind of makes me chuckle.

Call on your team regularly for assistance with this, give yourself Reiki, do qi gong, come for an Akashics reading session, drink lots of water, stay in a high vibration. All of these things help you tend your tower. And we really don’t want you to be all droopy now, do we?

With love and a smile 😂,



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