When a Trigger Becomes a Blessing

Do you have any triggers?

Lol. I won't ask what they are. But I want to share how I've learned to leverage the hard things that happen--to alchemize them, turn them into something...golden. Because, why not? Is there a better alternative?

When we're triggered, I believe that the very very best thing to do is to step outside of the situation, and look INside.

Honestly, to me no matter how I used to fight this...it's always an inside job. And sometimes, it's actually a splendid gift that leads to an entirely new freedom you didn't even know you could experience. I suppose it's probably part of actual human design to help us come into greater understanding & wisdom. So, use your triggers. And here's one story of how I did:

Recently with a dear beloved sister, I had a misunderstanding--the kind that leaves you befuddled because it happened so quickly and just seemed so strange that it was even a thing. But it was. And it was a niggle in my heart for over a day. I had to do something, and what I started with was to give it up to God. (I've tried lots of ways, and currently, that works.) 

The first night of this kerfuffle I was really angry. And underneath anger, there's always pain. 

So I slept on it--the incident--for two nights because I couldn't get a grip on the deeper issue causing it all and I had no freedom from it.

The second night, I still had zero clarity and I got more angry. So angry that I had to go on a walk. Best. Thing. Ever. As I started to move my body, emotion started to move. Pain started to be felt. I started to see that the anger I thought was at the petty situation was actually anger at myself. I was angry at a very specific part of myself. A part that had been buried....but that I had been subconsciously blaming for the pain and even dis-ease in my life. I cried. Really hard. And as an energy worker I knew I was releasing a TON of emotional pain because I felt all this energy running down both of my arms and out of my hands and many many cords of entanglement being released. 

๐ŸŒŸ I let it out. I walked, and let the movement take care of me. And I kept seeing how angry I had been at my own self for things that have happened in my life. What Powerful medicine. I let it all out, and went to bed still wondering.

On the second morning as I was communing with Spirit and delighting in morning coffee.....the knowing came. It flooded over me like a river and literally washed the veil away--clearing all the avoidance I'd created as a child.

It gave me immense freedom to finally see a survival pattern I'd developed as a child that had become a thorn in my adult reality. I saw so clearly how I'd wired myself as a child NOT to see or remember certain things that would go on in my home--and that this old wiring was still causing big problems. 

๐Ÿ’ The Universe had brought me a situation that I could truly leverage, with a friend so absolutely loving, to finally break free from a mold that has cost me a whole lot of pain and even money in this life, and which has definitely caused some of the dis-ease in my body.

And so there it was. 

An incident gone south, ๐Ÿ’ซ turned into a blessing....and because I chose to ask for it to....rather than avoid it.

It never pays to avoid. Deal with your pain. It's so worth it.

In closing I do want to share that I believe the main reason all this happened in the first place is that during these recent eclipses we've been having, I have asked God to remove every bit of anger out of me--from every particle, strand of DNA, bone, cell, muscle, memory, part of me. I'm serious, and I've done this because I know that anger fuels disease. So in the end, even though it was painful for a couple of days,  this whole thing was a prayer being answered. And I'm incredibly grateful.


I hope this helps someone out there.

It's better to face your shadow and anger than deny your freedom. 

Just do it.

Let go and Let God. Let Spirit. Let Love. Let Your Self. Let All the Light In.

Your freedom depends on it sometimes. It really does.


If you're suffering a loop you can't escape....come for a session with your team. The light will shine for you. I promise.


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