What's the Value of a Thrive with Spirit Subscription?


For many years I've hosted weekly calls with clients who are serious about living life from a higher plane and getting down and deep within themselves.....with Spirit.

So I thought I'd share what's behind the curtains of my Thursday Thrive with Spirit subscription offer.

It's rich. It's total light. It's a guaranteed vibrational shift (upwards) every time you dedicate your time to it.

When you subscribe, you get:

The opportunity to join me and a group of dedicated truth warriors to receive channeled guidance and energy re-alignments (in the form of clearings, Akashic Records re-sets, installations of new energy portals/aspects, and more.)

A full archive of all the most recent recordings held weekly since May 1, 2022, while you are a subscriber.

Here's a sample of the topics that are now in the library archive, all of which you receive when you subscribe:

  • Akashic Records Clearings and Re-sets
  • Re-wiring of your manifestation codes
  • Family line/ancestry clearings
  • Sovereignty and your True Self Light Codes
  • Healing your biggest triggers
  • Vision forward: What do you really really want? How do you get there, with Spirit at your side?

And more.

I channel beloved energies including Mary Magdalene, Mother Mary, Ganesha, Yeshua Ben Joseph, the Archangels, Kuan Yin, Isis, Kali Ma, and others, including deceased loved ones who love to guide us as well and have lived here among us recently.

If this rocks your heart, please join us! Check it out for a month at 50% when you subscribe today.

All calls are recorded and recordings are posted soon after the calls, so you never have to miss a high vibing gathering at all if you don't want to.

Try it for a month and see if it's your thing!

Subscribe here w/ 50% discount your first month!



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