Angels, pure and simple. They come in many forms: Archangels (Metatron, Raphael, Michael, Gabriel, Ariel, Uriel, Zadkiel, Melchizedek, Orion, Zaphkiel and others.)
Divine Ascended Masters including Mother Mary, Mary Magdalene, Jesus, Winston Churchill, Whitney Houston, Suzanne's Grandmother Fern, The Goddess Known As Isis, Kuan Yin, Tara, Hathor, & others.
Pure White Light Angels called Seraphim. This light is extremely healing and brought into sessions in very high states of ascendance for transmutation of old energies and active downloads of new light codes from your beautiful Soul Star Matrix and Personal Light Body Merkaba.
Akashic Records Guides who show you past lives relevant to today's times & understanding.
Suzanne's personal angel team of guides.
Your personal angel team of guides.
Deceased loved ones who wish to communicate with you about certain matters that happened here during the times they were alive (this is called Mediumship.)